5 Tips on How to Keep Your Data Secure

Polarity Technologies Ltd.
2 min readMar 31, 2022


Innovations in computing and the internet have made it simple for individuals all over the world to interact and collaborate in real time, regardless of their location. However, to get the most out of digital tools users are being requested to share a lot of their personal information. There are a few things we can do to avoid becoming the next victim of cybercrime. Let’s get started!

1. Always Update Your Operating System

Operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, always roll out updates that come with patches to any security loopholes that these companies might have detected. Keeping your device up-to-date will protect you from being attacked.

2. Mind the Websites and Apps you Use

Before installing an application on your phone, be sure it is reliable and safe. There are several apps and websites on the internet that are created with the sole aim of collecting user data and selling it to data brokers.

3. Double-check your privacy settings

When installing apps on our smartphones and computers, we are usually asked to allow these apps to access certain information on our devices. This information may include our contacts, photos, or hardware devices like the camera or microphone. It is always important to be strict on which apps we allow to access our personal information and hardware devices.

4. Use a Trusted Antivirus

If you want to add an extra layer of security to your device, we recommend installing a reliable antivirus tool. An antivirus will help you detect and uninstall any kind of malware or data phishing apps on your device.

5. Use a VPN While on Public WiFi

One of the most common places where hackers get access to users’ information is public WiFi. To avoid being a victim, you better install a VPN on the device you are using to access the network. A VPN encrypts your data before it is sent over to the network, making it impossible for any third parties to access this data during transit. You can subscribe to a good VPN application for less than $10 a month. If you value the security and privacy of your data, subscribing to a VPN service is definitely worth it.

Even when you implement all the five tips we have just shared, it is a good practice to prepare for the worst-case scenarios. Backing up your data is one of the things that will protect you from losing files and personal information if you become a victim of a cyber-attack at some point in the future.

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