Facebook’s Dark Mode Feature has Disappeared for Some Users

Polarity Technologies Ltd.
2 min readMay 28, 2022


Since 2020, Facebook has offered dark mode as a desktop, iOS, and Android option, but some users are reporting that they are unable to turn it on, as Polarity Technologies has learned through TechRadar.

When scrolling through your newsfeed or a series of videos, the color scheme might make it easier on the eyes, especially at night.

Other Meta apps, such as Instagram and WhatsApp, have benefited from dark modes as well, but Facebook appears to turn it off from every now and then.

Dark mode is not as prominent as other features on iOS and Android, so it can be tough to spot. Go to the ‘Menu’ icon on the navigation bar on the main screen, then Settings & Privacy, then Preferences, and Dark Mode should be there. On the desktop, however, it’s as simple as clicking the arrow in the top right, selecting ‘Display and Accessibility,’ and turning on dark mode.

There hasn’t been any explanation from Meta as to why it opted to disable the option for some users, and there isn’t a compelling reason to do so in the first place. The deactivation is surprising because it’s a nice function that it won’t be a strain on Meta or the apps it distributes.

To get your Dark Mode back, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the application to test if Dark Mode reappears.

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