Our Team Stays Connected Virtually — Polarity Technologies Ltd.

As you might already know if you follow Polarity’s blog, our team has been working remotely since March 2020. We use Slack and Zoom for our everyday communication, in addition to the Virtual Coffee Breaks that we organize a few times per month.

Virtual Coffee Breaks held via video call, help our team remain connected even if each member is working from a different physical space.

On our latest Virtual Coffee Break that was held last Thursday, we played a game. Each member was supposed to answer correctly as many questions as possible. The questions were geography related of course, as all members of PolariTeam love travelling.

Meaningful interactions among team members are important to keep the bonds strong during these times, and Zoom helps a lot.

Teamwork is Polarity’s core value. We invest heavily in building strong teams, because as our conference room’s wall sticker says “ Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.

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Polarity CulturePolarity Technologies LifestyleVirtual Coffee BreakVirtual GameWork from Home

Originally published at http://polarity.com.cy on October 19, 2020.



Polarity Technologies Ltd.

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